Thursday, March 12, 2009

One Heart 2 totally different minds

Why does love have to be so complicated? I think people make it that way because they are afraid of what might happen if everything actually went right. I want a simple love. One where there aren't any unnecessary fights or disagreements. I just want someone who wants to talk to me everyday just to see how I'm doing or how my day is going or someone that misses me as much as I miss them. Someone who is sure about their feelings for me and isn't afraid or ashamed to say I love you. I just want to hear those 3 words again....from him.
But things get too complicated when love is involved. People change, feelings get hurt, and someone always ends up being the one still in love after the other person is clearly gone.
I don't really know what goes on in your head but I know what goes on in your heart. I know that you love me but your brain doesn't allow you to go too deep with it anymore because of things that have happened in the past. And as many times as we have tried to pretend that the past doesn't matter, it really does. But you said it best, " You're stuck in the past, I'm stuck in the future, and we are both forgetting about the present." I completely agree with it, but there has to be some way that we can meet each other half way.
Because of our past we will never be just friends, its too many emotions involved for that. So no matter where our relationship goes I know that our hearts will be in it. I'm in love and I'm not ashamed to say it, I just hope that you get to that point one day.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say to keep your head up. I know that you are missing him and it's hurting you right now but trust and believe me things will get better. I know it sounds crazy but you have to put yourself first. Make sure that you are loving you before you think about the love that he isn't ready to show you. Also keep in mind that we are still young, though we may have been through things that are way beyond our age. Maybe this distance between you is needed so that he can perfect his love for you and realize that he's stupid to make decisions that he's made and maybe you'll realize that you're over him and you were just yearning and desiring that feeling that you once had. I'm coming to terms with that now. Maybe it's not him that I want but that feeling. I'm learning to love and be there for myself and though being alone hurts, it will only benefit me* in the end.
