Monday, March 30, 2009

The Push

So I was reading one of my friends blogs [Vero] and she was talking about how she wants to change herself and things in her life. And the entire time that I am reading this I just see more and more how I know that I feel basically the same way.

It's not so much that I want to change something with me physically or even emotionally for that matter, I just wish that I could change my life.

Honestly I'm not happy with my life or most of the decisions that I have made throughout it, but I know that looking back and dwelling on these events will not make anything better. The thing is I don't really know what will make my life better. I am in school now, and that made me feel alittle better about my life, but I basically have nothing else. I wish that I was involved in some type of activities or groups. I want to be more active period. I want to work so that I can actually go out and do things and not have money be an issue. And I really wish that I still had my car so that I won't have to rely on anyone else or the bus to go to where I want to go. My life has been very difficult this past year but I know that it is all due to decisions that I have made in the past.

So making changes to my life shouldn't be as difficult as I think it is, but for me it is. I make everything difficult, which is why I will probably never be satisfied. I want to get past this phase of my life and just get to the good part where I have a career, a family, and own a house. But I know that I have a lot more hard times to go through before I even come close to that part of my life.

So I feel now that I had a little push[ Thanx Vero] to do better with my life. Just knowing that someone else is going through something similar and is getting through it makes me believe that I too can get through this and make things better. And just like she pushed me I hope that I can help to push someone else to do better.

1 comment:

  1. !! =]
    i'm glad that I could give you that little push. I know exactly what you mean.. we're just not satisfied and we could be doing so much more. ughh but I know we can get passed this.. good luck! =]
